Query Engine

Jul 25, 2024

Query Engine

At the Tag Manager Dashboard, click the Tag Manager tab on the left sidebar to open the available options and then select the Tag Explorer option. The Tag Explorer dashboard opens, displaying all resources within your connected environment, arranged in columns by Resource ID, Account ID, Type, etcetera.

The dashboard can be customized by clicking the triple bar, or collapsed menu icon, at the top right. Columns can be added or deleted by clicking select columns within the triple bar. To add columns, click the columns you wish to add and then click save. To delete columns, click the trash bin beside the columns you wish to delete and then click save.

The presentation order of the columns can be changed by clicking and holding a column and dragging it to reorder the display.

Any column name tab can be clicked to sort in ascending or descending order.

You can search for resources by typing a specific term in the Search window.

You can filter resources by clicking the Filter tab and choosing the Field, Operator and Value. Use of the filter tab enables refined filtering of resources at a very granular level.

More than one filter can be used at the same time by clicking the Filter tab again after you have set up a filter.

By clicking a column name tab, you are given the option to Set Filter which allows you to filter by column.

You can also clear all filters by clicking that option within the triple bar and then saving.

Detailed information about each resource can be viewed by clicking the resource itself in the resource ID column. Both CloudWatch and CloudTrail information is displayed for the resource’s metadata and metrics.

The Query component of Tag Explorer enables you to identify the resources that require alteration to their tags. Assigning, removing, and renaming resource tags is covered in the next video.

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