Platform – Role & Permission Policy

Jul 25, 2024


The Cloudsaver platform’s permission policy enables reading of environmental, operational, and resource data from the user’s AWS environment. The Cloudsaver platform uses this data to provide the user visibility of their resources within the platform; enrich resource data which is read and presented to the user through Cloudsaver applications; generate visualizations regarding cloud resource costs and bills; and identify specific cost saving opportunities for users. Additionally, this policy permits the Cloudsaver platform to create and modify those specific and unique resources within the user’s AWS environment which enable the Cloudsaver platform and applications to make connection to and read data regarding the user’s AWS environment.

The Cloudsaver platform does not install third-party agents within the user’s AWS environment. Furthermore, the Cloudsaver platform and applications are not permitted access to any client internal data by this permission policy.

The complete Cloudsaver platform AWS IAM permission policy and role are described within the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates or AWS CLI scripts available within the Cloudsaver platform Connection Wizard.

The Cloudsaver AWS IAM role is a cross-account role with the following trust policy:

Effect: Allow
Principal: “AWS”: “arn:aws:iam::357040809576:root”
Action: “sts:AssumeRole”
Condition:StringEquals: “sts:ExternalId”: “[unique External ID provided by the Cloudsaver platform at download]”
ManagedPolicyArns: [Cloudsaver platform and application policy ARNs]
RoleName: Cloudsaver-Role

Permission Policy

By default, the Cloudsaver platform IAM policy is named “CloudsaverPolicyBase”. The following table displays each statement in the Cloudsaver platform policy by its statement ID (SID) and describes the purpose for the permissions contained within that statement.

SID Purpose
CloudsaveBase Read permissions for resources & infrastructure to enrich tag data & comprehend relationships between entities
CloudsaverApiS3Bucket Allows Tag Manager to manage the S3 bucket containing the CUR
CloudsaverApiSaveBillingReportToS3 Allows Tag Manager to generate the CUR
CloudsaverApiSecretsManager Limited permissions necessary to secure Tag Manager’s EventBridge monitoring
CloudsaverApiEvents Allows configuration of Tag Manager EventBridge rules, targets, and destinations
CloudsaverApilamPassRole Enables passing of the Cloudsaver role to EventBridge

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