
Jul 29, 2024


The Tag Manager Dashboard gives you a high-level view of your cloud environment and allows you to drill down very quickly to view very specific details around your cloud resources. Let’s look at the dashboard functions.


When you first arrive, the dashboard will be named “Default Dashboard.” Click the down arrow to the right of the dashboard title and select ‘rename dashboard’ to customize this dashboard name.

Add Filter

Moving to the top right, click ‘Add Filter’.Here you can choose any available field to filter everything on your dashboard.

In this example, I want to search by Owner. I’m going to select the capital ‘O’ option. I’m going to select ‘Aaron Davis’ as the owner. Click ‘Apply’. You will immediately see all the tiles on the dashboard give you the results for Aaron Davis. Here you can see what he owns by Application, Resource Type, and Region. You can continue to add filters, edit the current filter, or delete it. The dashboard will reflect whatever changes you make.

Add Tile

Next to ‘Add Filter.’ click ‘Add Tile’. You have a handful of tile options to start. For this exercise, I’m going to select ‘New Pie.’ You will see two pop-ups. In the center of the window, you will see what the tile will look like. On the right, you can customize the tile. *I will change the default title to ‘Resource by Type’.

Next you can change the type of visual for the data. If you don’t see these icons, click the arrow on the right to view them. You can see the ‘Pie’ is selected so I’ll move on to data. For ‘Value’ you can click on ‘Count’ to view your options. I want it left as ‘Count’ so I’ll click ‘Done’.

For ‘Slice by’ I’ll click on ‘region’ to change it. This time you will see you can choose from a host of options. I want resource type, so I’ll start typing ‘resource’ and you will see ‘Resource Type’ comes up right away. I will click on it and right away you will see the tile update. I am ok with the rest of the settings so I’m going to click ‘apply changes’.

The new tile will be added at the bottom of the dashboard page. Scroll down to view it. I want it closer to the top, so I will click in the top of the tile to drag it up. You will see the cursor change to a hand to let you know you can move it. Next you see that there is a space between the top two tiles, so I am going to expand our new tile by grabbing the little Tile Handle in the bottom right of the tile. You will see your cursor change to an arrow pointing to the bottom right. Click and drag to make the tile fill the space. Very good. This is all you need to know to build out your dashboards!

Reach out to Cloudsaver support if you have any questions or need further assistance!