Disaster Recovery Support

Sep 16, 2024

Disaster Recovery and Availability

In the event of disaster, your data is kept safe, and any interruption to service is minimal. The Cloudsaver platform is designed to ensure high availability and disaster recovery through its mobility and reliable, secure backups.

Backup Strategy

Backup Frequency: We follow industry-standard best practices to securely prevent data loss as well as ensure rapid recovery in the event of disaster. Specifically:

  • Daily Backups: Full backups are taken daily to capture the entire dataset.
  • Retention Policy: Backups are retained for a minimum of 90 days, allowing for point-in-time recovery.

Data Integrity and Security: All backups are encrypted and stored securely to ensure data integrity and protection against unauthorized access.

Solution Mobility

Cloud-Provider and Region Agnostic: The Cloudsaver platform is designed to be cloud-provider and region agnostic, providing flexibility and scalability to meet diverse needs. This means that the platform can be quickly deployed to different cloud providers and regions, ensuring service availability and recovery are not threatened in the event of disaster.

Self-Hosting and Independent Deployment: Customers have the option to self-host Cloudsaver or deploy it independently to specific regions. This flexibility allows customers to comply with any data localization requirements by ensuring that their data remains within the desired geographic boundaries.