Disconnecting Your AWS Accounts

Back to Knowledge Base Disconnecting Your AWS Accounts Disconnecting Your AWS Accounts The following process outlines the steps necessary to remove Cloudsaver resources that were deployed in your AWS environment during the accounts connection period. Requirements The...

Connection Wizard

Back to Knowledge Base Connection Wizard Introduction In this article, we will use the Connection Setup Wizard to quickly deploy the cross-account IAM role and IAM permission policies used to connect the CloudSaver Platform to your AWS environment. Before we get...

Roles & Permissions

Back to Knowledge Base Roles & Permissions Access Permissions Clicking the Settings icon in the lower left sidebar of the Tag Manager dashboard takes you to the Settings Overview where you can then click the Permissions tab to set permissions. This feature...

SAML 2.0 Configuration

Back to Knowledge Base SAML 2.0 Configuration Supported Features The Okta/CloudSaver – Tag Manager SAML integration currently supports the following features: IDP-Initiated SSO SP-Initiated SSO SLO JIT (Jist-In-Time) Provisioning For more information on the...